In a spin

Posted on Tuesday, 2nd May 2017

Ever since we were children in the playground, there has always been a craze knocking around. From Yo-Yo’s to Pokémon cards and even those weird gooey alien things, we always had something to fill our spare time with. As adults however it’s less acceptable to show people your shiny Charizard or try and trade football stickers in the office (believe me, we have tried.)




Through no fault of our own however, we have found ourselves in possession of the newest “trend”; the fidget spinner. We were very sceptical at first of this seemingly useless gadget, however find it pretty much impossible to put down. Pens are no longer being clicked to death and everyone in the office has stopped biting their nails.


It looks a little bit like a ninja throwing star which takes us back to our playground days and works using bearings and good old flick power to spin it. The fidget spinner relies on our ability to find any excuse to procrastinate and with a cute little branding area in the middle of the gadget, it makes it perfect for subtly advertising your business.

The amount of press this “spinny thing” is receiving will blow your mind with tutorials and reviews appearing all over the internet. Cool or completely useless, the Fidget spinner really is this year’s hottest gadget. See a video of it in action here